PhD in Education and Psychology/Guidance and Counseling Division

University of Tripoli - Department of Psychology



The program seeks to prepare qualified, specialized researchers who possess scientific, practical, and psychological knowledge and skills, and who are able to employ them to serve universities, institutions, and psychological counseling centers, and to contribute to the development of the scientific research movement in the field of counseling and psychology, and to enrich it with research and studies by providing diverse and integrated theoretical and practical scientific programs in the psychological , focusing on the applied aspect and modern theories.


Training students to use and apply advanced counseling skills efficiently. 2. Enable students to prepare research that adds new knowledge to the field of psychological counseling. 3. Apply theoretical and experimental knowledge specific to the field of psychological counseling. 4. Providing students with technical skills that help them in counseling work.5. Training students on the skills of diagnosing psychological disorders, behavioral disorders, and intelligence measures. 


Identify counseling theories and employ them in various fields of psychological counselling

Conducting research that contributes to the field of psychological counseling services.

Applying psychological counseling skills and techniques in the counseling process.

Employing ethical and legal aspects in dealing with indicative cases.

Certificate Rewarded

Doctorate of Philosophy in Guidance and Psychological Counseling

Entry Reuirements

Master's degree in psychological counseling and guidance

Study Plan

The PhD in Education and Psychology/Guidance and Counseling Division prepares students to qualify for PhD in Education and Psychology/Guidance and Counseling Division. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 2 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 24 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 18 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
00601 Data analysis 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with some statistical methods and applications in the SPSS program, represented in measures of relationship and correlation, in addition to introducing inferential statistics such as: statistical hypotheses, the concept of statistical significance, measurement errors, hypothesis errors - type I error, type II error, level of confidence, level of ignificance, calculating percentage significance, and how to benefit from it.- Regression and analysis of variance, non-parametric measures, psychometric properties of tests, and employing the SPSS program to enter, analyze and interpret data.

00602 Advanced research hall 03 Compulsory +

This course focuses on presenting concepts related to scientific research methods and distinguishing between them, introducing the concept of scientific research and its importance in scientific life, and summarizing the most important scientific research skills and characteristics, making it capable of preparing integrated research steps.

00610 Applied psychology 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with presenting the most important applied branches of psychology, ways to benefit from them in improving the quality of life, how to use the knowledge obtained and the methods developed by basic psychology in order to solve daily problems, and knowing the most prominent applications of the applied branches of psychology in the fields of life.

00612 Gay psychology 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with practical application within social institutions, psychological therapeutic clinics, and psychological counseling centers in its various fields, and actual training for the role of the psychologist by providing him with practical skills in diagnosis, counseling, and psychological treatment based on psychological and counseling theories with their comprehensive references.

00650 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with the most important topics and issues in the field of educational, psychological, and vocational guidance and counseling, in addition to the general foundations of guidance in the educational, psychological, and vocational fields. It presents the most important theories of educational, vocational, and psychological guidance, and trains students to analyze and criticize psychological guidance programs in the school field through field visits.

00651 Professional guidance and educational guidance 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with the definition of the methods used by the counselor in collecting field data, and the foundations upon which professional and educational guidance and counseling are based, with the aim of providing students with knowledge and information about the concept of the professional and educational figure, and his importance in work and public life.

00653 Diagnostic and psychotherapy approaches 03 Compulsory +

This course includes an introduction to the methods of diagnosis and psychotherapy, the most important tools used in the psychological diagnosis process, as well as how to write a psychological report for the client during psychotherapy, and focus on the foundations or standards followed during psychotherapy sessions.

00654 Practical applications in psychological counseling 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with practical application within social institutions, psychological therapeutic clinics, and psychological counseling centers in its various fields, and actual training for the role of the psychologist by providing him with practical skills in diagnosis, counseling, and psychological treatment based on psychological and counseling theories with their comprehensive references.

00655 Seminar in psychology 03 Compulsory +

This course includes psychology topics and their importance to the individual and society, applying the principles of psychology in the field of work, analyzing psychology topics through research and study, and conducting scientific research in psychology to benefit the student in his field of work.

61111 Contemporary trends and theories in psychology 03 General +

The course includes contemporary theories and trends in psychology, with the aim of identifying the most important modern and contemporary trends in the fields of psychology, and enabling the student to analyze and criticize the most important modern and contemporary trends in the fields of psychology, in addition to identifying the opinions of scholars regarding some contemporary scientific issues.